Background Guus Grimbergen is a Medical Physics Resident in radiotherapy at the University Medical Center UtrechtUMC Utrecht. He received his PhD degree for research on MR-guided radiotherapy for pancreatic cancer. He is enthousiastic about advancing image-guided treatments for challenging sites such as the upper abdomen, both optimizing existing treatments as well as exploring new use cases for the MR-Linac. His research interest include technical developments that can be directly implemented in the clinic, such as advanced imaging, motion management, and dose accumulation.

PhD thesis
Advancing the frontiers of MR-guided radiotherapy for pancreatic cancer, 21 May 2024, Utrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN: 978-90-393-7648-5, Utrecht University.

Awards xx


Most recent publications

  • Guus Grimbergen, Hidde Eijkelenkamp, Louk M.W. Snoeren, Rana Bahij, Uffe Bernchou, Erik Bijl, Hanne D. Heerkens, Shawn Binda, Sylvia S.W. Ng, Christelle Bouchart, Zelda Paquier, Kerryn Brown, Richard Khor, Robert Chuter, LinnĂ©a Freear, Alex Dunlop, Robert Adam Mitchell, Beth A. Erickson, William A. Hall, Paola Godoy Scripes, Neelam Tyagi, Jeremiah Leon, Charles Tran, Seungjong Oh, Paul Renz, Andrea Shessel, Edward Taylor, Martijn P.W. Intven, and Gert J. Meijer. Treatment planning for MR-guided SBRT of pancreatic tumors on a 1.5 T MR-Linac: A global consensus protocol. Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology, 2024.
  • Guus Grimbergen, Sara L. Hackett, Fasco Ommen, Astrid L.H.M.W. Lier, Pim T.S. Borman, Lieke T.C. Meijers, Eline N. Groot-van Breugel, Johannes C.J. Boer, Bas W. Raaymakers, Martijn P.W. Intven, and Gert J. Meijer. Gating and intrafraction drift correction on a 1.5 T MR-Linac: Clinical dosimetric benefits for upper abdominal tumors. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 2023.
  • Guus Grimbergen, Hidde Eijkelenkamp, Jonna K. Vulpen, Saskia Ven, Bas W. Raaymakers, Martijn P.W. Intven, and Gert J. Meijer. Feasibility of online radial magnetic resonance imaging for adaptive radiotherapy of pancreatic tumors. Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology, 2023.

Keywords: Pancreatic Cancer | MR-guided radiotherapy | Medical Physics

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